Working Papers Economía
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WP ECO Nro 1
WP ECO Nro 1WP ECO Nro 2
Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martín Sola (UTDT), Nicola Spagnolo (Brunel University London), Patricio Yunis (UTDT)
"On the Robustness of Mixture Models in the Presence of Hidden Markov Regimes with Covariate-Dependent Transition Probabilities"
Demian Pouzo (UC Berkeley), Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martín Sola (UTDT)
WP ECO Nro 5
"A Note on Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation in Hidden Markov Models with Covariate-Dependent Transition Probabilities" Demian Pouzo (UC Berkeley), Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martín Sola (UTDT)
WP ECO Nro 2
"Unemployment Insurance when the Wealth Distribution Matters" Facundo Piguillem (EIEF and CEPR), Hernán Ruffo (UTDT) and Nicholas Trachter (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
WP ECO Nro 1"The welfare effects of unemployment insurance in Argentina. New estimates using changes in the schedule of transfers" Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Hernán Ruffo (UTDT)
WP ECO Nro 2
"On Testing for Bubbles During Hyperinflations" Rubens Morita (University of Bristol), Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martín Sola (UTDT), Patrticio Yunis (UTDT)
WP ECO Nro 3
"Bond Risk Premia, Priced Regime Shifts, and Macroeconomic Fundamentals" Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Martín Sola (UTDT), Ivan Petrella (Warwick Business School)
WP ECO Nro 4
"A Time-Varying Threshold STAR Model with Applications", Michael Dueker (Russell Investments), Laura E. Jackson (Bentley University) Michael T. Owyang (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), Martin Sola (UTDT)
"Impact of Smoke Free Environments on Tourism in Selected Caribbean Countries" Martín González Rozada (UTDT)
"The Impact of Cigarette Price Increases on the Prevalence of Daily Smoking and Initiation in Mexico" Fiona franco Churruarín (UTDT), Martín González Rozada (UTDT)
"Do Trade Agreements contribute to the decline in Labor Share? Evidence from Latin American Countries" Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Hernán Ruffo (UTDT)
"Real Exchange Rates and Primary Commodity Prices: Mussa Meets Backus-Smith" Joao Ayres (Inter-American Development Bank), Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Juan Pablo Nicolini (UTDT)
Supplement to “Real Exchange Rates and Primary Commodity Prices: Mussa Meets Backus-Smith” Joao Ayres (Inter-American Development Bank), Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Juan Pablo Nicolini (UTDT)
"Rational Bubbles: Too Many to be True?" Tomás E. Caravello (MIT), Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Markov Regime-Switching Models with Covariate-Dependent Transition Probabilities" Demian Pouzo (UC Berkeley), Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Risk Aversion and Changes in Regime" Tomás E. Caravello (MIT), Turalay Kenc, (INCEIF and CERF), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Renegotiation and Discrimination in Symmetric Procurement Auctions" Leandro Arozamena (UTDT), Juan-José Ganuza (Universitat Pompeu Fabra & Barcelona GSE), Federico Weinschelbaum (UTDT)
"Do Female Leader Promote Gender-Sensitive Policies?" Felipe Carozzi (London School of Economics), Andrés Gago (UTDT)
"Impact of a Recent Tobacco Tax Reform in Argentina" Martín González Rozada (UTDT)
"Increasing Cigarette Taxes is Unfair to the Poor?
Evidence from Argentina" Martín González Rozada (UTDT)
"Bond Risk Premia and the "Return Forecasting Factor", Agustín Gutiérrez (UTDT), Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Bond Risk Premia and Restriction on Risk Prices", Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Do Women Ask for Lower Salaries? The Supply Side of the Gender Pay Gap", Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Eduardo Levy Yeyati (UTDT)
"Assessing the Degree of International Consumption Risk Sharing", Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Luis Serven (World Bank)
"Monitoring Money for Price Stability", Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Juan Pablo Nicolini (UTDT)
"Markov-Switching Models with State-Dependent Time-Varying Transition Probabilities", Zacharias Psaradakis (Birbeck College), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Privatization and Nationalization Cycles", Roberto Chang (Rutgers Universuty and NBER), Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Norman Loayza (World Bank)
"Maximun Likelihood Estimation in Possibly Misspecified Dynamic Models with Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Regimes", Demian Pouzo (University of California, Berkeley), Zacharias Psaradakis (Birbeck College), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Review of the Review Essay: Thomas Piketty and His Discontents by W. Bradford Littlejohn", Osvaldo H. Schenone (UTDT)
"Optimal Unemployment Benefits in the Presence of Informal Labor Markets", Martin González Rozada (UTDT), Hernán Ruffo (UTDT)
"Implications of Increasing Cigarette Taxes in Peru", Martin González Rozada (UTDT), Alejandro Ramos Carbajales (Interamerican Heart Foundation)
"Risk Premia and Seasonality in Commodity Futures", Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Iván Petrella (Bank of England, University of London, CEPR), Martín Sola (UTDT)
"De Facto School Choice and Socioeconomic Segregation in Secondary Schools of Argentina", Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Mariano Nardowski (UTDT), Verónica Gottau (ORT), Mauro Moschetti (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
"Monetary Policy and Dutch Disease: The Case of Price and Wage Rigidity", Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Juan Pablo Nicolini (UTDT)
"How increasing tobacco prices affects the decision to start and quit smoking: evidence from Argentina", Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Giselle Montamat
"Financial Frictions and Export Dynamics in Large Devaluations", David Kohn (UTDT), Fernando Leibovici (York University CASS), Michal Szkup (University of British Columbia)
"Addicted to Debt: Foreign Purchases of U.S. Treasuries and the Term-Premium", David Kohn (UTDT)
"Financial frictions and new exporter dynamics", David Kohn (UTDT), Fernando Leibovici (York University CASS), Michal Szkup (University of British Columbia)
"The Effects of Unemployment Insurance Under High Informality: Evidence from Argentina", Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Hernán Ruffo (UTDT)
"Analysis of Cigarette Tax Structure as a Requirement for an Effective Tax Policy: Evaluation and Simulation for Argentina", Frank Chaloupka (University of Illinois), Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Germán Rodríguez-Iglesias (Fundación Interamericana del Corazón), Verónica Schoj (Fundación Interamericana del Corazón)
"Towards a "New" Inflation Targeting Framework: The Case of Uruguay", Matías Escudero (Northwestern University), Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Martin Sola (UTDT)
"Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a New Keynesian Model with a Dutch Disease: The Case of Complete Markets", Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Pablo Andrés Neumeyer (UTDT), Juan Pablo Nicolini (UTDT)
"Forecasting Prices in Regime-Switching Markets" Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Luis E. Pereiro (UTDT)
"Normative Fiscal Policy and Growth: Some Quantitative Implications for the Chilean Economy", Emilio Espino (UTDT), Martín González Rozada (UTDT)
"Estimating and Forecasting the Yield Curve Using a Markov Switching Dynamic Nelson and Siegel Model", Martín González Rozada (UTDT), Constantino Hevia (UTDT), Martín Sola (UTDT), Fabio Spagnolo (Brunell University)
"Optimal nondiscriminatory auctions with favoritism", Leandro Arozamena (UTDT & CONICET), Nicholas Shunda (University of Redlands), Federico Weinschelbaum (UdeSA & CONICET)
"The Effects of a Conditional Transfer Program on the Labor Market: The Human Development Bonus in Ecuador", Martín González Rozada (UTDT) Freddy Llerena Pinto (CIISFEP)
"The Optimal Timing of the Introduction of New Products", Shasikanta Naindebam (Birkbeck College) Marzia Raybaudi (UTDT) and Martín Sola (UTDT)
"On favoritism in auctions with entry," Leandro Arozamena (UTDT) and Federico Weinschelbaum (UdeSA)
"Inspectors or Google Earth? Optimal fiscal policies under uncertain detection of evaders", Martín Besfamille (UTDT), Pablo Olmos (Yale University)
"Optimal taxes and penalties when the government cannot commit to its audit policy", Leandro Arozamena (UTDT), Martín Besfamille (UTDT), Pablo Sanguinetti (UTDT)
"Some Cautionary Results Concerning Markov-Switching Models with Time-Varying Transition Probabilities", Martín Sola (UTDT), Zacharias Psaradakis (Birkbeck), Fabio Spagnolo (Brunel), Nicola Spagnolo (Brunel)
"Modernization of Tax Administrations and Optimal Fiscal Policies", Martín Besfamille (UTDT) and Cecilia Parlatore Siritto (NYU)
"Contemporaneous-Threshold Smooth Transition GARCH Models", Michael Dueker (Russell Investments) Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martin Sola (UTDT) and Fabio Spagnolo (Brunel University)
"Real Options with Priced Regime-Switching Risk", John Driffill (University of London) Turalay Kenc (University of Bradford) and Martín Sola (UTDT)
"Multivariate Contemporaneous Threshold Autoregressive Models," Michael Dueker (Russell Investments) Zacharias Psaradakis (University of London), Martín Sola (UTDT) and Fabio Spagnolo (Brunel University)
2008"Simultaneous vs. Sequential Price Competition with Incomplete Information," Leandro Arozamena (UTDT) and Federico Weinschelbaum (UdeSA)
"On Model Selection and Markov-Switching: An Empirical Examination of Term Structure Models with Regime Shifts," John Driffill (Birkbeck College), Turalay Kenc (Imperial College), Martin Sola (UTDT), and Fabio Spagnolo (Brunell University)
"NIMBY and mechanism design under different constitutional constraints," Martin Besfamille (UTDT) and Jean-Marie Lozachmeur (Toulouse School of Economics)
2007 - 2006
"A Note on the Suboptimality of Right-of-First-Refusal Clauses," Leandro Arozamena (UTDT) and Federico Weinschelbaum (UdeSA)
"Contemporaneous Threshold Autoregressive Models: Estimation, Testing and Forecasting," Michael Dueker (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), Martin Sola (UTDT) and Fabio Spagnolo (Brunel University)
"The Effect of Corruption on Bidding Behavior in First-Price Auctions", Leandro Arozamena (UTDT) and Federico Weinschelbaum (UdeSA)
"Target Zones for Exchange Rates and Policy Changes."
John Driffill (Birkbeck College) and Martin Sola (UTDT)
WP ECO Nro 1
"La conducta fiscal de los gobiernos municipales en Argentina: los determinantes económicos, institucionales y políticos"
Pablo Sanguinetti, UTDT, Juan Sanguinetti, MECON y Mariano Tomassi, UDESA.
WP ECO Nro 2
"Competition and Reputation"
Ramon Marimon, EUI y UPF, Juan Pablo Nicolini, UTDT y Pedro Teles, Banco de Portugal.
WP ECO Nro 3
"Trade diversion and declining tariffs: evidence from MERCOSUR"
Pablo Sanguinetti,UTDT ,A.Bohara University of New Mexico and K. Gawande, University of New Mexico.
WP ECO Nro 4
"Inside Outside Money Competition"
Ramon Marimon, EUI y UPF, Juan Pablo Nicolini, UTDT y Pedro Teles, Banco de Portugal.
WP ECO Nro 5
"The Time Consistency of the Friedman Rule"
Pablo Andrés Neumeyer,UTDT, Fernando Alvarez, University of Chicago y Pat Kehoe.
WP ECO Nro 6
"Convertibilidad en Argentina: Funcionamiento de una Caja de conversión Anclada al Dólar"
Alfredo Canavese, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 7
"Argentina y la agenda de negociaciones comerciales internacionales: el MERCOSUR, el NAFTA y la Unión Europea."
Pablo Sanguinetti, UTDT, Julio Nogués y Federico Sturzenegger, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 8
"Changes in production and employment structure and relative wages in Argentina and Uruguay"
Pablo Sanguinetti, Rodrigo Arim y Juan Pantano, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 9
"Using Balance Sheet Data to Identify Sovereign Default and Devaluation Risk"
Pablo Andrés Neumeyer y Juan Pablo Nicolini, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 10
"Sistema Jurídico y desarrollo económico"
Alfredo Canavese, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 11
"Wage inequality and trade liberalization: Evidence from Argentina"
Pablo Sanguinetti y Sebastián Galiani, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 12
"Inflation, Stabilization and stat owned enterprise Behaviour in Transition Economies- The case of Bulgaria."
Alfredo Canavese, UTDT y Mariella Nenova, Agency of Economic Coordination and Development, Bulgaria. 2001
WP ECO Nro 13
"Extensive-Form Games and Strategic Complementarities"
Federico Echenique, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 14
"Business Cycles in Emerging Economies: The Role of Interest Rates."
Pablo Andrés Neumeyer y Fabrizio Perri, NYU.
WP ECO Nro 15
"Trade liberalization and the dynamics of trade structure in Argentina and Uruguay"
Pablo Sanguinetti, UTDT, Juan Pantano y Josefina Posadas, UNLP.
WP ECO Nro 16
"Optimal Maturity of Government Debt without State Contingent Bonds"
Francisco Buera, University of Chicago, Juan Pablo Nicolini, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 17
"Measurability is not about Information"
Federico Echenique, UTDT y Juan Dubra, Universidad de Montevideo.
WP ECO Nro 18
"Mercosur and the behavior of labor markets in Argentina and Uruguay"
Pablo Sanguinetti, UTDT y Sebastián Galiani, UDESA.
WP ECO Nro 19
"A Characterization of Strategic Complementarities"
Federico Echenique, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 20
"On Detrending and Cyclical Asymmetry"
Zacharias Psaradakis, Birbeck College y Martín Solá, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 21
"Construction of Facilities under Asymmetric Information: do constitutions matter?"
Martín Besfamille, UTDT y J.M. Lozachmeur, CORE y CREPP.
WP ECO Nro 22
"A Weak Correspondence Principle for Models with Complementarities"
Federico Echenique, UTDT.
WP ECO Nro 23
"The Optimal Timing of Introduction of New Products"
Marzia Raybaudi, UTDT , Martín Solá, UTDT y Shasikanta Nandeibam, University of Birmingham.
WP ECO Nro 24
"Mixed Equilibria in Games of Strategic Complements are Unstable"
Federico Echenique, UTDT y Aaron Edlin.
WP ECO Nro 25
"On the autocorrelation properties of Long Memory Garch Processes"
M. Karanasos, University of York , Zacharias Psaradakis, Birbeck College y Martín Solá, UTDT.
"Argentine Great Depression: 1975-1990"
Pablo Andrés Neumeyer y Hugo Hopenhayn, UTDT. --January 2002 (this revision September 2003)
WP ECO Nro 27
"The Elasticity of Substitution in Demand for Non-tradable Goods in Latin America. Case Study: Argentina"
Pablo Andrés Neumeyer y Martin Gonzalez Rozada, UTDT. (November 2003).
WP ECO Nro 28
"Latin America in the Twentieth Century: Stagnation, then Collapse"
Pablo Andrés Neumeyer y Hugo Hopenhayn, UTDT. (March 2004).