Seminario “What Drives Intergenerational Cycles of Intimate Partner Violence?”
miércoles 7/6, 12h
Presentado por Camila Navajas Ahumada
What Drives Intergenerational Cycles of Intimate Partner Violence? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
AbstractWhether and why intimate partner violence (IPV) is intergenerationally persistent has important implications for its long-run survival and inequality. We estimate mother--daughter (father--son-in-law) associations in IPV victimization (perpetration) using Demographic and Health Survey data from 16 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Women who report that their mother was physically abused by their father are twice as likely (20 percentage points) to have experienced physical or sexual violence with their current husband. We explore the role of socialization and assortative matching in explaining IPV persistence. Interparental violence is positively associated with the reported acceptability of IPV by daughters. Examining assortative matching, we find a positive association between the daughter and son-in-law’s acceptability of IPV and this association is stronger for daughters who report interparental violence. Overall, our findings suggest that cultural transmission plays an important role in the intergenerational persistence of intimate partner violence.
*Jointly written with Frances Lu
*Jointly written with Frances Lu
Camila Navajas Ahumada
Ph.D. in Economics, University of California, San Diego.
Assistant Professor in the School of Government at UTDT. She is an applied microeconomist working on development and labor economics. She uses both experimental and quasi-experimental approaches to provide causal evidence and answer policy-relevant questions for developing economies, with a particular emphasis on Latin America. Her work has been published in journals such as Labour Economics and Journal of Development Economics.