Certificate Programs

UTDT´s semester-long certificate programs have been designed for students who want to focus on Latin American Studies or Human Rights during their studies in Buenos Aires. They both offer courses in English and Spanish and students may opt to take the 3 courses required to obtain these certificates in English, Spanish, or a mixture of both. All courses take a comparative approach to ensure a critical understanding of the issues studied.

Certificate in Latin American Studies

The Certificate in Latin American Studies explores the most current social, political, linguistic, and cultural developments shaping Latin America. Sample courses that make up this program are:
  • América Latina y la Guerra Fría: una historia global de ideas radicales, cultura política y represión estatal
  • Cultura, Memoria e Identidad a Través de Expresiones Audiovisuales Argentinas Contemporáneas
  • Identidad, Género y Política en la Argentina
  • Imaginarios de la Ciudad Moderna en las Américas
  • Orígenes y Desarrollo del Peronismo en Argentina: historia, política y opinión pública

Certificate in Human Rights

This certificate explores Human Rights in Latin America from philosophical, historical, cultural, and social viewpoints. Sample courses that students may choose to take as part of this program are: 

  • Derechos Humanos: Su Filosofía, Historia y Desarrollos Recientes 
  • Dictadura y Militancia Política: Los años 60 y 70 en el Cono Sur y sus efectos 
  • Género, Política y Sociedad
  • Genocidio y derechos humanos en el Siglo XX 
The application deadlines for these programs are the same as for regular exchanges. 

For further information about these programs please contact international@utdt.edu