Hevia, Martín
Libros (Books)
Libros (Books):
- Regulating Neuroscience: Transnational Legal Challenges (Elsevier Developments in Neuroethics and Bioethics Books Series, 2021) (editor)
- Controversies in Latin American Bioethics (Springer International Library of Law, Ethics, and the New Medicine, 2019) (editor, with Eduardo Rivera López)
- Propiedad Intelectual. Fundamento y Crítica (Universidad del Externado, 2017) (editor, with Facundo M. Rojo)
- "Reasonableness and Responsibility: A Theory of Contract Law" (Springer Law & Philosophy Series, 2013)
- Teoría Crítica del Derecho Civil y Comercial (Editorial Fontamara, 2012)
- "Derecho Privado y Filosofía Política: Fundamentos de la Responsabilidad Civil" (México, DF: Fontamara, 2011)
Artículos y Capítulos en libros (Articles and Chapters in books)
See also Prof. Hevia"s SSRN author's page
En inglés (In English):
- Commercial Speech and Unhealthy Food Products: Conceptual Foundations, JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE, AND ETHICS, Vol. 50.2 (with Oscar Cabrera & Andrés Constantin)
- "Argentina", in C. Valcke, J. Smits & J. Husa, Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (forthcoming 2022)
- "Argentina: Untapping the Potential of Private Law Constitutionalisation", in Ekaterina Aristova and Uglje¨a Gru¨ic (eds.), Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux: Key Legal Developments in Selected Jurisdictions (with Andrés Constantin) (2022)
- "Why We Need a Transformative Right-to-Health Pandemic Treaty Now", in Alicia Ely Yamin, Joelle Grogan, and Pedro Villarreal (eds.), International Pandemic Lawmaking: Conceptual and Practical Issues (with Ximena Benavides) (2021)
- Merger Control and Innovation: A Rights-Based Approach, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW & PRACTICE (2021) (with Agustín Waisman)
- Global Health in the Age of COVID-19: Responsive Health Systems Through a Right to Health Fund, HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS, Vol. 22.1 (2020) (with Gostin, Friedman et al.) (download paper)
- Gendered Power Relations and Informed Consent: The I.V. v. Bolivia Case, HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS, Vol. 20.2 (2018) (with Andrés Constantin) (download paper)
- Surrogacy, Privacy, and the American Convention on Human Rights, JOURNAL OF LAW & BIOSCIENCES (2018) (download article)
- Book Review: La Forma del Derecho, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, Vol. 15.2 (2017) (with Felipe Jiménez) (download article)
- Terminal Patients and the Right to Refuse Medical Treatment in Argentina, HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS, Vol. 18.2 (2016) (with Daniela Schnidrig) (download article)
- The Lingua Franca of Reproductive Rights: The American Convention on Human Rights and the Emergence of Human Legal Personhood in the New Civil and Commerce Code of Argentina, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE LAW REVIEW Vol. 23 (2016) (with Carlos Herrera) (download article)
- External Forces, Internal Dynamics: Foreign Legal Actors and Their Impact on Domestic Affairs, TEXAS LAW REVIEW Vol. 94 (2016) (con Jayanth N. Krishnan y Vitor Dias) (download article).
- Autonomy, Consent, and Medical Confidentiality: Patients´ Rights in Argentina, LAW AND BUSINESS REVIEW OF THE AMERICAS Vol. 20., p. 515-536 (con Daniela Schnidrig) (2014).
- From Recognition to Regulation: Access to In Vitro Fertilization and the American Convention on Human Rights, FLORIDA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 25 (con Carlos Herrera Vacaflor) (2013).
- Effective Access to Justice Against State and Non State Actors in the Framework Convention on Global Health: A Proposal, HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS (2013) (con Carlos Herrera Vacaflor) (downlowd article).
- The Legal Status of In Vitro Fertilization and the American Convention on Human Rights, SUFFOLK TRANSNATIONAL LAW REVIEW, Vol. 36.1 (con Carlos Herrera Vacaflor) (2013) (downlowd article).
- Coleman on Gap-Filling and Default Rules, DIRITTO & QUESTIONI PUBLICCHE, No. 12 (2012) (downlowd article).
- The Legal Status of Emergency Contraception in Latin America"116 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 87 (2012).
- Theoretical Foundations of Search Engine´s Liability, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND COMPETITION LAW (with Agustín Waisman) (2011).
- The Legal Status of Puerto Rico and the Institutional Requirements of Republicanism, 17 TEXAS HISPANIC JOURNAL OF LAW & POLICY (2011) (with Joel Colón-Ríos) (download article).
- Separate Persons Acting Together – Sketching a Theory of Contract Law, 12 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LAW & JURISPRUDENCE 291 (2009) (download article).
- Review Essay – What Makes the International Investment Rules Regime Undemocratic? [review of David Schneiderman, Constitutionalizing Economic Globalization: Investment Rules and Democracy"s Promise (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 340pp.], 10 GERMAN LAW JOURNAL (2009) (with Joel Colón-Ríos).
- The Bizarre World of Historical Theories of Justice – Revisiting Nozick´s Argument, 34 SOCIAL THEORY AND PRACTICE 533 (2008) (with Ezequiel Spector) (download article).
- Prenatal Management of Anencephaly, 192 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS 304 (2008) (with Rebecca Cook, Bernard Dickens, and Joanna Erdman) (download article) (Portuguese version).
- The (Un)rule of Law in Puerto Rico – A Republican Approach, in RULE OF LAW: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES, ICFAI University Press (2008) (with Joel Colón-Ríos) (download article)
- Kronman on Contract Law and Distributive Justice, 23 JOURNAL OF CONTRACT LAW 105 (2007) (download article).
- Contemporary Theories of Equality: A Critical Review, 74 REVISTA JURÍDICA UNIVERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO 131 (2006) (with Joel Colón-Ríos) (download article).
En castellano (In Spanish):
De la Redistribución al Reconocimiento, en Roberto Gargarella y Marcelo Alegre (eds.), "EL DERECHO A LA IGUALDAD: APORTES PARA UN CONSTITUCIONALISMO IGUALITARIO", Lexis Nexis (2012) (con Joel Colón-Ríos).
- Constitución y Fertilización In Vitro en Roberto Gargarella (ed.), "La Constitución en 2020" (Buenos Aires: Siglo 21, 2011).
- Justicia Correctiva y Derecho Contractual, 35 Estudios Socio-Jurídicos (2010) (download article).
- Contract as Promise – casi 30 años después, 195 ISONOMIA (2010).
- ¿Qué Deberes de Cuidado Tienen los Motores de Búsqueda? (with Agustín Waisman) 1 REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL (2010) (download article).
- La Responsabilidad Civil en Breve, REVISTA JURÍDICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE FLORES (2009) (download article).
- Personas Separadas Actuando en Conjunto – Esbozando una Teoría del Derecho Contractual, DOXA (forthcoming).
- Secreto Profesional Médico y Servicios de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en la Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, 13 REVISTA ARGENTINA DE TEORÍA JURÍDICA (2009) (with Oscar Cabrera) (download article).
- Kronman, el Derecho de los Contratos y la Justicia Distributiva, 29 ISONOMÍA 177 (2008) (Mexico) (download article).
- Crítica a la Sentencia de Cámara sobre Matrimonio Homosexual, 1 JURA GENTIUM – JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND GLOBAL POLITICS (2008) (with Ezequiel Spector) (download article).
- Notas sobre la Idea de Responsabilidad en el Derecho, 78 VÉRTEX - REVISTA ARGENTINA DE PSIQUIATRÍA 50 (2008).
- Nota sobre Fuller y Perdue y las Acciones por Incumplimiento Contractual, 221-222 REVISTA DE DERECHO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CONCEPCIÓN 181 (2007) (Chile) (download article).
- Commercial Speech and Unhealthy Food Products: Conceptual Foundations, JOURNAL OF LAW, MEDICINE, AND ETHICS, Vol. 50.2 (with Oscar Cabrera & Andrés Constantin)