Seminarios de Negocios 2010

El propósito del seminario es convertirse en el lugar donde presentar nuevas investigaciones así como también ser un foro para aumentar el conocimiento mutuo entre los miembros del profesorado. Planeamos 40 minutos de exposición, seguido por 20 minutos de preguntas y de una discusión más informal.

Lugar: Lounge / Sala de Conferencias, Campus Ditella.
Horario: De 13h a 14h.
Contacto: negocios[at]
Teléfono: 5169-7301

- Seminarios 2010 -


  • 02 de Diciembre de 2010 - Sala de Conferencias. Guido Sandleris, Ph.D. in Economics, Columbia University.

The cost of emerging market financial crises: output, productivity and welfare



  • 18 de Noviembre de 2010 - Lounge. Diego Finchelstein, Ph.D. Political Science, Northwestern.

Internacionalización de Empresas y Estado en Argentina, Brasil y Chile


This research attempts to contribute to the study of internationalized firms from emerging markets by analyzing the different ways in which internationalization has evolved in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. It explores the process of firms’ internationalization from a state-centered perspective. This study identifies three key mechanisms by which state actions shape the way firms internationalize.  Privatizations, policies to improve capital availability, as well as the inter-temporal viability of the general set of public policies and the institutional environment (promoted by the state) are the key variables that will be used to assess how state actions influence firms’ expansion abroad.



  • 09 de Noviembre de 2010 - Lounge. Clifford Shultz, Loyola University Chicago.

From Devastation to a Just Recovery: The Marketing Imperative

A number of countries and hundreds of millions of consumer-citizens have been – and continue to be -- profoundly affected and in many instances devastated by violent human and natural acts. Those acts include, for example, full-scale war and simmering ethnic conflicts, earthquakes, and tsunamis. The author presents a longitudinal research stream, which has drawn on multiple methods designed to study marketing as a provisioning technology; a form of constructive engagement (1) to facilitate recovery and (2) to establish socioeconomic systems that may deter or eliminate future devastation. Countries in the Balkans, remnants of the Soviet Union, the Middle East, Vietnam, and southern Africa have been studied by the author, and have shaped ideas shared; the marketing system of Cambodia is discussed in some detail in this presentation, to make a case for marketing -- and several managerial tools associated with it -- as an imperative catalyst to affect a just and sustainable recovery from devastation.



  • 04 de Noviembre de 2010 - Lounge. Aurelia Lefaix-Durand, UTDT.

Compromiso y valor de las relaciones entre clientes y proveedores:
una comparación internacional (Argentina, Alemania, Nueva Zelanda y Corea del Sur)



  • 07 de Octubre de 2010 - Lounge. Nicolás Merener, UTDT.

Efficient Monte Carlo Methods for Discrete Variance Contracts

Con Leonardo Vicchi (UBA)



  • 01 de Julio de 2010 - Lounge. Guillermo Cruces, CEDLAS - UNLP.

 Perceptions of relative income and preferences for redistribution:

Evidence from an experimental survey

Ricardo Pérez Truglia (Harvard University) y Martin Tetaz (CEDLAS-UNLP)


Individual perceptions of the income distribution play a vital role in political economy and public finance models. This document studies systematic biases in the formation of these perceptions, and their potential effects on attitudes towards redistribution. A tailored household survey provides original evidence on the salience of reference groups for positional comparisons, and on biases in individual evaluations of relative position in the income distribution. Moreover, the survey implements an experimental design, in which consistent information on the income distribution is provided to a randomly selected group of respondents. Individuals in the treatment group exhibit a significantly higher level of support for redistributive policies, corroborating the hypothesis of a causal effect of biased distributive perceptions on attitudes towards redistribution.


  • 03 de Junio de 2010. Ezequiel Reficco, Universidad de los Andes.

Construcción de Redes en Negocios Inclusivos


The idea that business can play a role in alleviating poverty has caught the imagination of academics and practitioners alike. An emerging consensus points to the critical importance of partnerships in market initiatives addressed to the base of the pyramid (BOP). But despite the calls for cross sector partnerships in BOP initiatives, our collective understanding of how these actually work has not advanced proportionally. This study attempts to address this issue by examining the dynamics at play in nine networks that integrated the BOP with mainstream markets in nine developing nations of North, Central, and South America. Our field-based analysis generated a number of tentative propositions structured around three broad issue-areas: alliance formation (drivers that compelled companies to engage in strategic partnerships), alliance implementation (choice of governance mechanisms, resources for enhancing trust and reciprocity between partners, and conflict-resolution mechanisms), and performance outcome (the extent to which an organization’s commitment to an alliance impacted its performance and its societal context).



  • 06 de Mayo de 2010. Gustavo Vulcano, UTDT. 

Estimating primary demand for substitutable products from sales transaction data 
Co-authors: Garrett van Ryzin (Columbia University) and Richard Ratliff (Sabre Holdings)


We consider a modeling and computational approach for estimating substitute and lost retail demand when only sales transaction data and product availability are observable, not all products are available in all periods (e.g., due to stock-outs or availability controls imposed by the seller), and the seller knows her market share. The modeling side combines a multinomial logit (MNL) demand model with a non-homogeneous Poisson model of arrivals over multiple periods.

Our key idea is to view the problem in terms of primary (or first-choice) demand -- that is, the product choices that customers would have made had all products been available in all periods. We then apply the expectation-maximization (EM) method to this model, and treat observed demand as an incomplete observation of primary demand. This leads to an efficient, iterative procedure for estimating the parameters of the model which provably converges to a stationary point of the associated incomplete data log-likelihood function. Indeed, every iteration of the algorithm consists of simple, closed-form calculations. We illustrate the estimation procedure on simulated data and two industry data sets.



  • 22 de Abril de 2010. Roberto Szechtman, Naval Postrgraduate School.

    When a Bit Less is Too Little: The Cascading Effect of Insurgency Actions on Popular Attitudes


Insurgents that operate amid a civilian population need broad popular support in order to thrive. What is the effect of insurgents' actions on popular support? Why does coercion occasionally succeed in preventing antagonists from actively opposing the insurgents and sometimes lead to expanded popular discontent towards the insurgents? How can the sudden changes in popular attitudes observed in recent conflicts be rationalized?