
Nueva publicación del profesor Enrique Peruzzotti

El profesor y director del Departamento de Ciencia Política y Estudios Internacionales, Enrique Peruzzotti, ha realizado una nueva publicación titulada Laclau's theory of populism, a critical review, para el libro Routledge Handbook of Global Populism editado por Carlos de la Torre.

Abstract del libro: This volume illustrates the diversity of populism globally. When seeking power, populists politicize issues, and point to problems that need to be addressed such as inequalities, the loss of national sovereignty to globalization, or the rule of unresponsive political elites. Yet their solutions tend to be problematic, simplistic, and in most instances, instead of leading to better forms of democracy, their outcomes are authoritarian. Populists use a playbook of concentrating power in the hands of the president, using the legal system instrumentally to punish critics, and attacking the media and civil society. Despite promising to empower the people, populists lead to processes of democratic erosion and even transform malfunctioning democracies into hybrid regimes.

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