En los medios

Andrea Goldin: " It allowed me to think of different ways to integrate science to everyday life"
La profesora de las Maestrías y Especializaciones en Educación e integrante del Laboratorio de Neurociencia participó del proyecto Learning Sciences Exchange, organizado por las fundaciones New America, de Estados Unidos, y Jacobs Foundation, de Suiza.
Andrea Goldin, profesora de las Maestrías y Especializaciones en Educación e integrante del Laboratorio de Neurociencia, participó del proyecto Learning Sciences Exchange, organizado por las fundaciones New America, de Estados Unidos, y Jacobs Foundation, de Suiza, donde formó parte del Showcase Panel #1.
“I think that the most important thing is that it allowed me to think of different ways to integrate science to everyday life. I have a personal story to tell. I have a 6-year-old, and when I put him to bed now, after our project, I ask him to think about 2 or 3 things that fostered joy to him that day, and about a couple of things in which he helped other people to feel joy. He really enjoys that. I started to do this after out project, because I realized that, in that way, he gets to practice how to find joy in everyday situations, even though he might have had a rough day at school”, sostuvo la profesora.
Laboratorio de
Escuela de Negocios - Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
Avenida Presidente Figueroa Alcorta 7350 (C1428BCW)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Lab Manager: Martina Tokatlian