Versión en Español <img style="float: right" src="files/agustin.jpg" alt="Picture of Agustín Gravano"> [Positions](#current_positions) | [Contact](#contact_information) | [Research](#research_interests) | [Bio](#short_bio) | [Publications](#selected_publications) | [Resources](#resources) ### Current Positions * Associate Research Professor, Escuela de Negocios, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella * Chair of the [Bachelor of Science in Digital Technologies]( * Director of the [Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence]( * Independent Research Scientist, National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) Download [full CV](files/cv-gravano-eng.pdf) (PDF file). ### Contact Information * **E-mail:** agravano [at] * **Mailing address:** Av. Figueroa Alcorta 7350 (C1428BCW) Buenos Aires, Argentina * **Phone:** (+54 11) 5169-7810 ### Research Interests * **Artificial Intelligence**, **Speech Processing**, **Spoken Dialogue Systems**, **Prosody**. * Understand and model the extraordinary degree of coordination exhibited by human beings while holding a conversation, along several dimensions of speech. This knowledge can then be applied to automatically analyze dialogue, or to improve the naturalness of spoken dialogue systems. * Contribute to the development of speech technologies in Spanish, by creating new resources, such as corpora and tools specific to this language. ### Short Bio Agustín Gravano was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1977. He received his B.S. in Computer Science from University of Buenos Aires in 2001, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from [Columbia University]( in 2009 (Thesis: "[Turn-Taking and Affirmative Cue Words in Task-Oriented Dialogue](phd-thesis.php)"; advisor: [Prof. Julia Hirschberg]( Later that year, he joined the [Computer Science Department]( at University of Buenos Aires, first as a postdoctoral researcher, and in 2011 as a full-time professor. Since 2020 he has been a full-time professor in the [Business School at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella]( His main research interests revolve around modeling the rich coordination present in spontaneous spoken dialogue along several dimensions, including lexical and prosodic, with applications in spoken dialogue systems and automatic conversation analysis. Dr. Gravano has been a member of Argentina's National Research Council ([CONICET]( since 2010. He has vast teaching experience and has received the [ISCA Award for the Best Paper Published in CSL 2011-2015](files/award-csl-2016.jpg), among other honors. ### Selected Publications [Complete publications list](publications.php) | [Citations on Google Scholar]( * J.E. González, N. Nieto, P. Brusco, **A. Gravano**, J.E. Kamienkowski. "[Speech-induced suppression during natural dialogues](", Communications Biology 7, 291, March 2024. * P. Brusco, **A. Gravano**, "[Automatic offline annotation of turn-taking transitions in task-oriented dialogue](", Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 78, Mar 2023. * J.M. Pérez, F. Luque, D. Zayat, M. Kondratzky, A. Moro, P. Serrati, J. Zajac, P. Miguel, N. Debandi, **A. Gravano**, V. Cotik, "[Assessing the impact of contextual information in hate speech detection](", in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 30575-30590, Mar 2023. * R.H. Galvez, **A. Gravano**, S. Benus, R. Levitan, M. Trnka, J. Hirschberg, "[An empirical study of the effect of acoustic-prosodic entrainment on the perceived trustworthiness of conversational avatars](". Speech Communication. Vol. 124(1), pp. 46-67, Nov 2020. * **A. Gravano**, J. Hirschberg, "[Turn-taking cues in task-oriented dialogue](files/gravano_hirschberg_2011.pdf)". Computer Speech and Language. Vol. 25(3), pp. 601-634, Jul 2011. [ISCA Award for the Best Paper Published in CSL 2011-2015](files/award-csl-2016.jpg). ### Resources * [UBA Games Corpus]( Corpus of direction-giving monologues (both spontaneous and read), and spontaneous, task-oriented, collaborative dialogues elicited from native speakers of Argentine Spanish. It includes audios, orthographic transcriptions and other annotations. * [Entrainment metrics](entrainment-metrics.php?l=en). Python library for measuring the degree of *entrainment* in a dialogue, defined as a speaker's tendency to adapt their speech to match their interlocutor's. * [Spanish DAL: Spanish Dictionary of Affect in Language](sdal.php?l=en). Spanish lexicon manually annotated for three affective dimensions: pleasantness, activation and imagery. --- **Last updated:** 12 Mar 2024