Seminario "Skills, Income Distribution, and the Size Distribution of Firms"

Martes 28 de Abril, 12,30h. | Lounge 1

Presentado por Andrés Neumeyer

Andrés Neumeyer, profesor plenario y director del Departamento de Economía en UTDT, presentará su más reciente trabajo titulado “Skills, Income Distribution, and the Size Distribution of Firms”(*).

Andrés obtuvo su Ph.D. en Economía en Columbia University y, además de su cargo en UTDT, se desempeña como investigador del CONICET.
Su investigación en el campo de la macroeconomía, el desarrollo y las finanzas internacionales ha sido publicada en prestigiosas revistas científicas internacionales como American Economic Review, Journal of Monetary Economics y Econometrica.

Paper Abstract
Cross-country evidence from the OECDs Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) and from Latin American Household Surveys supports the hypothesis that the skills of both employers and employees are positively correlated with firm size. This is true measuring skills either by cognitive abilities, years of education, or relative earnings. Employees in large firms earn more than small entrepreneurs stochastically dominate the one for employees in similarly sized firms.
We pose the question on whether the distribution of abilities can explain differences in the size distribution of firms between Mexico and the United States in a Lucas (1978) model with two dimensions of ability and imperfect tax enforcement-a size dependent policy.

(*) Paper coescrito junto con Matias Busso (IADB) y Mariano Spector (UTDT).

Lugar: Campus Alcorta: Av. Figueroa Alcorta 7350, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Contacto: Cecilia Lafuente, Departamento de Economía