Books and Book Chapters

  • Extensión de la Cobertura de la Escolaridad de Jornada Completa in Eduardo Levy Yeyati (ed.), 100 Políticas para la Argentina del 2030, Buenos Aires: Ciudad de Lectores, 2017, pp. 147-149.
  • Estupor, bronca e impunidad, in Paz sin Terror, 25 años del atentado a la embajada de Israel en la Argentina, Buenos Aires: Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and Embajada de Israel en la Argentina, 2017, pp. 137-138.
  • Urban Land Titling: Lessons from a Natural Experiment (with Sebastian Galiani) in Eugenie Birch, Shahana Chattaraj, and Susan Wachter (eds.), Slums: How Informal Real Estate Markets Work, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016, pp. 47-54.
  • Land Property Rights (with Sebastian Galiani) in Sebastian Galiani and Itai Sened (eds.), Institutions, Property Rights and Economic Growth: The Legacy of Douglass North, Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 107-120.
  • The Economics of Crime: Lessons for and from Latin America (with Rafael Di Tella and Sebastian Edwards, book editors and authors of the introductory chapter), Chicago and London: NBER-University of Chicago Press, 2010. [Download]
  • Crime Inequality and Victim Behavior during a Crime Wave (with Rafael Di Tella and Sebastián Galiani) in Rafael Di Tella, Sebastian Edwards and Ernesto Schargrodsky (eds.), The Economics of Crime: Lessons for and from Latin America, Chicago and London: NBER-University of Chicago Press, 2010, pp. 175-206. [Download]
  • Case Studies: Buenos Aires (with Sebastian Galiani) in International Property Rights Index 2008 Report, Washington DC: Property Rights Alliance, 2008, pp. 44-48.[Download]
  • The Benefits and Costs of Privatization in Argentina: A Microeconomic Analysis( con Sebastián Galiani, Paul Gertler, y Federico Sturzenegger) en Chong,Alberto y Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes (eds.), Privatization in Latin America – Myths and Reality, Stanford University Press, 2005, pp. 67-116. [Download]
  • Crimen, protección y distribución del ingreso: ¿Quiénes son las principales víctimas del aumento de la criminalidad? (con Rafael Di Tella y Sebastián Galiani) en Schargrodsky, Ernesto, Oscar Cornblit y Alfredo Canavese, Corrupción, Crimen y Violencia, Buenos Aires: Ediciones La Crujía, 2004, pp. 9-59. [Download]
  • Corrupción, Crimen y Violencia (with Alfredo Canavese and Oscar Cornblit, eds.), Buenos Aires: Ediciones La Crujía, 2004.[Download]
  • Controlling Corruption through High Wages (con Rafael Di Tella) en Transparency International, Global Corruption Report 2003, London: Profile Books, 2003, pp. 289-291. [Download]
  • Political and Economic Incentives during an Anti-Corruption Crackdown (con Rafael Di Tella) en Della Porta, Donatella y Susan Rose-Ackerman (eds.), Corrupt Exchanges: Empirical Themes in the Politics and Political Economy of Corruption, Baden Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002, pp. 118-134. [Download]
  • Transparency and Accountability in Argentina’s Hospitals (con Jorge Mera y Federico Weinschelbaum) en Di Tella, Rafael y William Savedoff (eds.), Diagnosis Corruption: Fraud in Latin America’s Public Hospitals, Washington DC: IDB Press, 2001, pp. 95-122. [Download]