Departamento de Ciencia Política y Estudios Internacionales

Ciencia Política y
Estudios Internacionales

Una sólida formación multidisciplinaria para
analizar problemáticas complejas en un contexto cambiante.

En los medios

The New York Times

C.I.A.’s Past as Prologue, Ignored at Our Peril

Por Juan Gabriel Tokatlian

For the second time in nearly 40 years the U.S. Senate had disclosed unlawful and unethical practices by the C.I.A.

In 1975, a committee chaired by Sen. Frank Church revealed the agency’s involvement in secret programs to kill international leaders (i.e., Fidel Castro) and to topple foreign democratic governments (i.e., Chile).

In 2014, a committee chaired by Sen. Dianne Feinstein disclosed the agency’s brutal torture techniques.

Four decades ago Latin America was a major laboratory for the agency’s covert operations, interrogation training, and implementation of torture manuals which, in turn, with thousands killed and disappeared.

The “war on communism” rationalized the U.S. government’s security policies abroad and the public’s relative acceptance of abhorrent procedures.

Today European and Asian countries clandestinely hosted C.I.A. detention sites where Muslims were severely abused.

The “war against terrorism” is now the cornerstone of U.S. international strategy while public opinion has become more supportive of torturing foreigners.

Then and now, cries for major reforms have been heard. But as victims have been ignored and torturers kept unaccountable, the preservation of the agency’s supposedly indispensable mission is invoked to block any overhaul. This is a guarantee of continuous and degrading human rights violations.

No proposal for thorough restructuring of the CIA has ever been entertained because Americans are too fearful and polarized to demand real changes in the agency. But that is what is needed. The clandestine operations side, especially, has become a highly politicized and quasi-autonomous unit.

A thorough reorganization, even dismantling, of the agency is needed, but the details of how that should be done will only be clear once the agency's impunity is ended, a vigorous accountability is put in place and an independent scrutiny and new leadership are established. 

If there is something to be learned by the transition to democracy in the Southern Cone of the Americas—so much affected by the CIA activities over the 60s, 70s, and 80s -- it is that human rights should be placed first and foremost in the social and political agenda.

If it is not, we will probably have more reports on the U.S. intelligence system cruelty in the next decades to come.

(*) Director of the department of political science and international studies at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires.

Conocé nuestros programas

Nuestra oferta académica está diseñada para formar profesionales capaces de liderar en ámbitos académicos, políticos y sociales.

Aprendé con
los mejores

Nuestro cuerpo docente se distingue por su rigurosa formación doctoral en las universidades más prestigiosas del mundo. Su alta dedicación y su conocimiento y experiencia internacional los habilitan para desempeñarse exitosamente en distintos ámbitos y proveer a los/as estudiantes de una sólida formación multidisciplinaria.

en Argentina para dictar
clases de grado y posgrado.
Fuente: Ranking Teaching, Research and International Policy (TRIP) International Relations Survey, 2014.
La Di Tella está entre las 150 mejores universidades del mundo en el área de Ciencia Política.
(Fuente: QS World University Rankings 2023)

Conocé a nuestro cuerpo docente

Jennifer Cyr
Ph.D. in Political Science, Northwestern University.

Sebastián Etchemendy
Ph.D. in Political Science, University of California at Berkeley.

Enrique Peruzzotti
Ph.D. in Sociology, New School for Social Research.

Catalina Smulovitz
Ph.D. in Political Science, The Pennsylvania State University.

Hayley Stevenson
Ph.D. in International Relations, University of Adelaide.

Juan Carlos Torre
Docteur en Sociologie, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales.

Intercambio Di Tella

La Di Tella te abre
las puertas al mundo

Creemos en que tener una formación multicultural es esencial para el desarrollo humano y el futuro profesional de nuestros estudiantes.

Te ofrecemos la posibilidad de realizar intercambios académicos y programas de doble titulación, para que puedas acceder a una experiencia universitaria internacional y transformarte en un profesional con visión global.


Cátedras y centros de investigación

Cátedra Colombia

Un espacio académico para el análisis, conocimiento y difusión del país de manera integral. Tiene el propósito de establecer un ámbito plural desde el cual enriquecer el diálogo entre Argentina y Colombia.

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Cátedra Francia

Una iniciativa conjunta de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, la Embajada de Francia en Argentina y el Instituto Franco Argentino que tiene por objetivo promover el intercambio académico y el diálogo.

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Proyecto Tiempo
de cambios en Cuba

El proyecto "Tiempo de cambios y el nuevo rol de las fuerzas armadas en Cuba" busca informar a actores que sean disidentes y críticos de las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias de Cuba (FAR) de dos maneras diferentes.

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Departamento de Admisiones
