Toulan, Omar

Ph.D. in International Strategy, MIT. Profesor Mc Gill University


His areas of teaching include international business and strategic management. He currently teaches the Globalization and International Business Policy courses in the MBA and BCom programs. Following completion of his PhD at the Sloan School of Management at MIT in 1997, he spent a year in the faculty of the Stockholm School of Economics.

Dr. Toulan is currently pursuing two research streams. The first, which stems from his dissertation work, looks at the impact of major environmental shocks on firm behavior. In particular, he has explored the effect of market liberalization on the internationalization behavior of firms from emerging markets. In doing so, he makes a distinction between the effect on traditional or tangible forms of internationalization and what he calls intangible or knowledge-based forms of internationalization. His second research stream focuses on the management of firm boundaries, both upstream and downstream. Specifically, he is working on one research project that looks at the way in which firms manage their global customers and another which focuses on the outsourcing of capabilities to suppliers. From a regional point of view, his research interests have focused on Latin American and European firms. Dr. Toulan's work has been published in Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Latin American Studies, and Organizations.

Dr. Toulan worked as a management consultant for McKinsey and Company in its New York office, as well as at its Global Institute in Washington, D.C. He has also worked as a researcher at the US President's Council of Economic Advisers. In addition, Dr. Toulan has performed private consulting and workshops for firms in the US, South America, and Europe.